Palo Santo Smudging Stick
Palo Santo Smudging Stick —
Known as atisamânihk in Cree language and nookwez in Ojibwe language, smudging is a cultural ceremony originating from various Indigenous Peoples across North America and elsewhere in the world. Used for practical and medicinal purposes as well as for spiritual ceremonies, this purification by smoke rite consists of burning sacred plants in small quantities in order to cleanse the energy inside and around you.
Depending on the herb you select, you can introduce a specific type of energy into your ritual. For instance, palo santo is believed to bring positivity into your life.
Regardless of your chosen medium, it is important to honour the plants by sourcing sustainably and ethically grown herbs — as our palo santo smudging sticks are.
How to smudge:
- Begin with an intention of gratitude to the plants and the cultural connection. Then, consider your desired benefit.
- Light the end of the smudge stick (while being mindful of fire hazards), wave your hand in front of it to kill the flame, then wave the stick around your own body or the object/room you want to cleanse.
- Once finished, squash the stick into a ceramic dish, shell or ashtray until the smoke subsides.
- Consider that the smoke can be harmful to pets so it is recommended to take any animal into another room while you smudge.
*no longer sent in a cloth bag
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